Monday, January 30, 2012

Knitted and crocheted Russian dolls

well I was looking for some knitted accessories for one of my other blogs,
I caught out of the corner of my eye, some knitted Russian dolls, and thought I might go and see if I could find some more....well here they are...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Borre Akkersdijk commissioned Neil Hobers to make this video

Here we are with another knitting related movie,
talking about conception to reality, in terms of the design process.

I found this on trendtablet which you can also follow on facebook, which is such a beautiful site, all about trend information.
 by my favourite trend guru 
Lidewij Edelkoort

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Victorian Lace

Lace is a very close cousin to knit and as I was thinking about my next post I found a very beautiful picture of a Victorian lady in a beautiful irish lace top (image number one) and as ever, it led me onto other equally beautiful Victorian lace..

You might want to visit this blog for further beautiful portraits 
and if you happen to be in Ireland you  might want to visit the Kenmare lace heritage centre
I also know that you might be thinking, hey what about Nottingham lace? more on this subject soon...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Knitted bikinis

Knitting can be used for most things, including houses, but here we are going back to a fashion use.

Oh to be beside the sea........

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Knitting needles

 I thought that as the title of this blog is knit-and-pins, the time had come to think about knitting needles.
The first needles are made of rosewood, by a co-operative in India and are for sale by clicking the picture  which will take you to the little knitting company site on Amazon......

The next come from North Carolina and are made by Twin Birch Products

These lovely needles are made of Ebony and sold by Pavi yarns

They also sell in the UK "Brittany Birch" needles again made in North America

I am sure that I will return to this subject and all new leads and suggestions about your favourite needles, are welcome in the comments box....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Knitted toilet roll covers, OOH kitch alert

Well I was in the museum in Chambers street, Edinburgh on Sunday and found tucked away in the 20th century design gallery, a knitted poodle toilet roll cover.....Oh brilliant a chance to go and look for some more.....

Sorry I can feel the acrylic squeaking between my fingers and attaching itself to the pins....
and I am afraid to say they can still be bought on ETSY
any contributions to this blog gratefully received

Monday, January 9, 2012

Yarn Bombing

Some more yarn bombing....

A little private time

Many thanks to Martyna who has just graduated from the London College of Fashion.

Many thanks to Kate Burton for this further private time

Sunday, January 8, 2012

News Knitter

I must thank my brother for this fascinating link to the News Knitter website

To quote the website

"News Knitter converts information gathered from the daily political news into clothing. Live news feed from the Internet that is broadcasted within 24 hours or a particular period is analyzed, filtered and converted into a unique visual pattern for a knitted sweater. The system consists of two different types of software: whereas one receives the content from live feeds the other converts it into visual patterns, and a fully computerized flat knitting machine produces the final output. Each product, sweater of News Knitter is an evidence/result of a specific day or period."

Oh what are we going to do next with knitting?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fence bombing

This is another way of looking at graphs and charts but on a more public scale